Low self-esteem or setback in a previous relationship can be the reason for a person to lose his self confidence in relationships. By way of building up self confidence a person can protect as well as enhance his relationships and it will in turn help him to improve his health and come out of his emotional problems. Good self-esteem helps one to build up and nurture relationships and cordial and healthy relationships help us to a great extent to deal with mental stress. One can build up healthy and longstanding relationship if he is acceptable and attractive to the partner. Self worth and autoestima are very essential for a person to be attractive to his partner. Involvement in new activities and improvement in physical appearance enable a person to boost his self confidence as well as self-esteem which will ultimately help him to build up confidence within his relationship. A person with low self-esteem fails to build up his self confidence and as a result he fails to enhance the relationship.
Maintain your individuality and always talk positive
Building true and healthy relationship does not mean surrendering to the partner. The total surrender can spoil your self confidence. Even in a relationship one should be on his own. While trying to build up a true relationship one must be self-reliant. One should stop finding negative in everything. Whether to build up self confidence or a healthy relationship positive talk is very essential. Instead of criticizing or complaining about your partner identify the positive aspects of his or her character and focus on them. When you compliment and reassure your partner, he or she will reciprocate thereby making the relationship happy and strong. One should not tolerate repeated criticisms or improper behavior of the partner. One should ensure that his partner treats him with respect and real love.
Do things together as well as individually
A person who has good self esteem is able to develop his own interests also while maintaining a relationship. One should also have activities in which the partner is not involved. There should be fun and excitement in the relationship and one should enjoy the activities with the partner. People who are able to do things alike together with the partner and separately are always successful in maintaining healthy relationships.
Share your secrets with your partner
In a healthy relationship both the partners will be frank to each other. Self-disclosure will boost mutual confidence in a relationship. Even if a person has embarrassing or shameful secrets about him, he should not hesitate to share the same with his partner. This will help them to develop intimacy and mutual trust.
Looking to learn more how to improve your self-esteem read https://www.amazon.com/Autoestima-Ejercicios-Pr%C3%A1cticos-Preguntas-Autoaceptaci%C3%B3n-ebook/dp/B01E6EPAGE/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1466444280&sr=1-1&keywords=B01E6EPAGE