If you overcome low self-esteem, you will be happier. It will boost your confidence and develop respect to yourself as an individual and as a member of your community. Self-esteem is linked to the way you think about yourself. The value you place on yourself is of utmost importance.


What is psychologys take on self-esteem? It is defined to be ones self-image at the emotional level. Some experts consider it to be beyond the scope of logic and reason. Self-esteem is not to be equated with the ego. The ego can be artificial. A person can be egotistical, while he is suffering from low self-esteem deep inside.

Hypnosis for confidence

How can hypnosis help? There are various ways.

Suggestion therapy In a state where a person is in a heightened awareness of himself, it is easier to make him respond to directions and suggestions. This is good for people who have trouble quitting their smoking or drinking habit.

Analysis The technique here is to bring the person to a relaxed state. In such a state, it becomes easily possible for the person to unravel the origin of a symptom or a mental disorder. Once revealed, the root cause of the problem can be treated through psychotherapy.

Repetition of Undesirable Habits – This can be applied to people who bite their nails, smoke, and those who do frantic movements repeatedly. The goal is to make the behavior appear undesirable to the patient.

The hypnotherapist will ask the patient to do the same habit repeatedly until he gets tired of it. Once the patient realizes that theres nothing beneficial from the activity, the tendency is for him to get rid of it. The value of the undesirable habit will be diminished.

Other conditions that can be treated through hypnosis techniques are:
Grief due to a loss of property or a loved one
Anxiety triggered by a recent trauma
Sleep disorder
Panic Disorder

Is It Dangerous?

Hypnosis does not in any way harm the person. It does not aim to control his mind or brainwash him. A hypnotherapist is a professional practitioner and he should not in any way force his clients to do something that is embarrassing or out of their will. Sometimes, false memories are created during the procedure. In that case, the hypnotherapist is obliged to stop the procedure and advice the patient to seek other psychiatric treatments.